Our Business

Import business

In the import business, we import excellent products from all over the world that have not been released in Japan.
There are many products in the world that have not been released and have potential to sell well in Japan.
We deliver overseas products with excellent design and functionality to people in Japan.

Crowdfunding business

In the crowdfunding business, we provide customers with imported products that have not been released in Japan.
Through crowdfunding, we accumulate product sales results at the early stage, enhance brand value, and approach to various media in Japan.

Operating media business

We research the products sold on Amazon, Rakuten Ichiba, and Yahoo! Shopping, and introduce them on Monozanmai (https://hiyo-riman.info/), which is the media we operate.
Monozannmai has been accessed by a total about 300,000 PV and 210,000 users, and sold about 2,587 products ($42,633.23)
※ as of January 15th 2021.

About Us

With the motto “Delivering exciting products to the world and Japan”, MonoWaku deliver convenient and innovative products to everyone.

Contact to us

Please contact us from here